Programming Documents

This page will hold lecture notes, and pointers to other useful material for the G53DOC course.



The G53DOC Coursework is now available and is due in on 17th May 2013 at 5pm. Electronic submission details will be listed shortly. The question is available in this PDF and there are some support files available here. The coursework is to be submitted as a single .zip or .tar.gz archive via the cw submit system, with the submission ID 533. For more information on cw submit, see here.

The support files contain some sample Encapsulated PostScript files for you to experiment with, as well as the definition of the Flowable interface. Also, provided is, which implments a simple Flowable object that can be used to insert horizontal and/or vertical space into a flow.


Lectures are on Mondays at 2pm (in C1 in the Exchange) and Thursday mornings at 11am (in B11 in the Amenities building). There is also a lecture slot at Friday 10am which we will use occasionally (look out for announcements).



Labs are on Mondays at 15:00, in CS-B52.

Lab Exercises