Mobile Device Programming

This page will hold lecture notes, and pointers to other useful material for the G54MDP course.


The 2011 exam can be found here.

Group Project

Details about the expected deliverables and marking criteria for the Group Project can be found in this document.


Mobile Device SDKs


Lectures are on Tuesdays at 1pm (in LT1) and Wednesday mornings at 9am (I know… — in B18 in the Amenities building).

There is not enough time in the course to do justice to either the iOS or Android SDK, let alone both. Therefore, it is expected that as well as attending lectures you will be looking at the Android and iOS SDKs to build on the material covered in the lectures.


Labs are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 17:00, in CS-A32. The Android SDK has been installed on the school machines specifically to allow you to create Android apps – please bear with us if there are any teething troubles. It has been set up to sto re some temporary files in your UNIX home directory (in Private/android accessible from Windows as H:\Private\android\).

You may attend either lab, or both, or neither, as you wish. However, with the exception of the first exercise, all exercises will be marked and count towards your final mark, so if you do not attend the labs then you will need to complete them in your own time.

Lab Exercises